Practicing some very basic lifestyle can make you stay young looking throughout your life. It is about taking care of yourself both physically and mentally. Read the following tips to get that possible look younger than your real age:
1. Start taking care of yourself early on.
2. Never smoke, do drugs or abuse alcohol. You should also avoid any secondhand smoke to stay young looking. The chemicals you absorb from first and second hand smoke can age you substantially.
3. Any weight loss or gain causes skin to stretch, which will cause hanging a wrinkled skin later in life. So, do not let your weight fluctuate more than 5 pounds over your lifetime.
4. Keep your diet high in protein, but avoid excess meat consumption. Try to consume as many naturally grown foods as possible to avoid any contamination due to pesticides and chemicals. Salmon, blueberries, flaxseed oil, green vegetables and fruits are ideal to take.
5. Take a multi-vitamin regularly.
6. Take care of your dental health. Avoid drinking soda, coffee, tea or other drinks that may stain teeth. Have cleanings regularly.
7. Take at least 64 ounces of water daily to avoid any dehydration of the skin.
8. Avoid putting too much chemicals (including chlorine) to your water because this can be inhaled during baths and showers that lead to both internal and external aging.
9. Sun damage is the number one cause of aging. Wear sunscreen when going out in the sun, even when in front of the television or computer. They both put off UV rays that can lead to skin damage.
10. Exfoliate your skin regularly to maintain your youth. In addition, get facials, glycolic peels, and cosmetic procedures as needed to remove dead cells and increase skin collagen production and elasticity. Get body wraps as well to tighten the skin on the body. Procedures such as light therapy can help with rosacea.
11. Use anti-aging skin care products such as moisturizers. Take special care of eyes and lips. These areas tend to become dry and wrinkled more quickly because they are thinner than surrounding skin.
12. Be sure to keep sunscreen on your hands, and reapply regularly. In addition, use a paraffin wrap on your hands to moisturize. Exfoliate the hands regularly and always wear gloves when cleaning, doing dishes or using chemicals.
13. Get regular trims, and conditioning treatments. Take hair vitamins if you notice any thinning or loss of shine.
14. Regularly buff and file your nails. Apply a conditioner to your nail cuticle as well.
15. Avoid stress and ensure that your stress levels are under control. Exercise regularly to increase blood flow and increase muscle tone and endurance.
"Always give glory to the highest Throne, our Maker."