Thursday, July 9, 2009

Emergency Beauty Remedies

It’s 45 minutes to an hour before the main event today, not to mention the traffic that you’d pass by the highway. There's no time to go to the salon, all the shops are closed and your friends are too busy making themselves beautiful to worry about you. Hours from now, a big night out is about to happen and you're not happy with the way you look. Find out what to do here! Admit it, you’re all caught up broke these days because of so many expenses thrown at you.

So what can you do? Actually, there are some really simple emergency beauty tips for just this type of situation! The key to a good emergency beauty tip is that is has to be something fast, effective and easy to do by yourself. It should also use only household items. All these tips are great last minute ideas that anyone can put into practice!

Flat Hair
The worst thing you can do is to keep piling on the hair products, this will just make your hair greasy. Instead, mist your hair with water, then use your hands to work it through. The water reactivates the products already in your hair.

Puffy Eyes
Lie down, relax, and place a slice of cucumber over each eye. The coolness of the cucumber will sooth your eyes, and it also has anti-inflammatory properties. If you have time, puree the rest of the cucumber to make a face pack! Another is to use cold spoons. Its easy, just put four spoons in a glass of ice water. Take two out at a time to place over your eyes, then put them back and replace with the cold ones. Green Tea has so wonderful effects on your body and mind, and now you can even use it to cure your puffy eyes! Cool down some Green Tea bags in the fridge or freezer, then place over your eyes for 5 minutes. Green Tea reduces swelling and soothes your eyes.

Eye Bags
Look in your medicine cabinet and apply a little Preparation H just under your eyes. Preparation H contains phenylephrine, which helps to constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling.

Acne before a big day can be a disaster, but by dabbing on a spot of Hydrocortisone cream you can reduce the swelling and appearance of the pimple in no time at all. If the pimple comes through the night before, put some toothpaste on it overnight. The toothpaste dries out the pimple and will reduce the swelling in time for the morning!

The best way to even out your skin tone is by rubbing body scrub over the streaky area. It will also remove some of the excess color from your hands.


For a quick fix on your nails, spray a little hairspray on to them. Straight away, they'll have that shiny, straight-from-the-salon look again.

Diet Tip of the Day
Switch to calorie-free diet sodas. Most normal sodas contain about 120 calories!

I hope these made sense to you…till next tips!

"Always give glory to the highest Throne, our Maker."

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